One thing your men want from the men's can talk 'missional' 'post-modern' 'felt-needs' BUT - WHAT MEN WANT IS VERY SIMPLE - RESULTS! - men want something in their lives to change!
Been driving that home in meetings with pastors and leaders in Salt Lake City, Southern California, Houston - etc.
Details to follow...been in 10 different cities past 2 weeks, as well as sitting at feet of legendary evangelist Al Furey for 5 days...that was amazing!
Church we pastor in Dallas, Hope Christian City Church has seen 11 people come to Christ this month - that is awesome!
Leonard Sweet said something profound to us in Salt Lake City - Christianity was made for storms! Born into a storm, perfected in the storms, grows stronger in storms - and we are headed into the biggest storms we have ever faced, he said the most dangerous place for a boat in a storm, is in the harbor...we must push out into the the church, we cannot play it 'safe' - if we do, we die. He is right.
just arrive in from orange county, ca. - headed to calgary in the morning.