Saturday, February 16, 2008


Robert Barriger said the events just completed in Trujillo were an "unexpected and spectacular success" - it was awesome! Eddy Leo, Ed Preston, Robert and myself...over 100 pastors at Monday gathering - then 3 nights of 'standing room only' events(1500), and 2 days of teaching - it is the second most important city in Peru - and many universities - this was a huge win... They will do larger 'Corazon' event next year - (Barriger's are doing amazing work in creating models for Latin churches, and it's getting traction!)
Now, strategic followup - Marcos, Pedro, Jorge and other key men are doing Sr. Pastors training next month, then followup with their key leaders...all to implement the Majoring in Men curriculum - BECAUSE IT WORKS!
- got sick wed. in trujillo-food poisoning -tough trip home - total 10 hrs. of delays - took 23 hrs. to get home...feeling better now - but tough way to lose weight -
Many connections made in Peru - Ed Preston met top pastor from Ecuador - Eddy Leo is ministering now in Brazil...Colombia opens up strong in
Strategic Plan to saturate South America by 2010 is still on track - but, need more guys going more places... business guys, pastors, men's leaders... let me know - place for you.

1 comment:

Caleb Lund, JD said...

Hey Paul,

Great site. It was great hanging out with you guys a couple days ago! Check out my site when you get the chance...

Check out the time banking site:

Love you guys... Caleb and Rach