Great event with Ps. Don Brawley and the men and women of Canaan Land Church International in Atlanta. Great vision, getting it done... and to hear Ps. Don talk about their new building and the need for a 'third place' was so cool... 'third place' is a conceptual philosophy that Starbucks has used, which is that everyone has the need for a 'third place' the first two being work and home, - it would be like the tv show 'Cheers' a place in which everyone knew your name...
Leonard Sweet hits it best in his book "the Gospel according to Starbucks" , in fact, Leonard just nails it...his best book... and a must read for anyone wanting to build the church.
So, to hear Ps. Don talk about that in relation to his new building was great, refreshing, he's a man on a mission, and I am thrilled to be on the same path with him and his was great.
Headed to Wisconsin, Newport Beach, Cincinatti, Connecticut, Peru and Ecuador over next five weeks...awesome!
keep it cranking!
Pastor Paul,
Thanks for sharing with us at our leadership conference. I truly had an awesome time. The word you shared has inspired me to transition my God-given dreams to the "vision stage"! Thank you also for standing in this hour and empowering a mighty movement of God. Dana Anderson
Dana... that's huge brother - that brings the life of Christ into culture - go for it! paul.
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