Monday, November 10, 2008

Cincinnati - Argentina

8 men saved in Cincy men's event with Paul Holland, Ps. Barry Clardy and great team. What an amazing thing to see men at 27, 35, 42 and 58 years of age give their lives to Christ! To see men standing there with tears in their eyes, nothing manipulative, just the awesome power of God hitting their hearts with a bang - truly amazing.

Same day Robert Barriger, Eddy Leo send me email of great event they are doing in Argentina at good friend Carlos Balart's church. How cool is that?!

Headed to NYC thursday, looking forward to great event in New Haven area with dynamic pastor John Muratori... then, back to Hope Church, leave after service to Manila - two days there, then Ecuador - two days, Lima for a day, then home for two days and drive hundreds of shoes to the little kids in Juarez, Mexico for Thanksgiving...

and, continuing to pray for Karyn Barriger - she starts chemotherapy in the morning. She is healed.




Karl said...

Hey Paul thank you from men all over the world... You are making the difference between men and mush... You're "focused, maximized zeal on a wheel"... keep it rockin man...

paullouiscole said...

Man - you are one rockin man of God!
upside is huge, HUGE. pc