Friday, October 8, 2010


Motorcycle wreck in Oregon Mountains - It was miraculous that I was not hurt worse than I am. I am able to speak/move but moving slowly with bruises and aching over my entire body. I took 25 stitches in my nose and mouth (I'll need plastic surgery in a year or so). I have facial fractures that cannot be mended surgically, so it's a time issue. My shoulders have torn muscles, I have cuts, abrasions and bruises in many other places... but I am fully functioning and operating. No one else was hurt, or involved.

THAT'S a photo of me just after surgery in the emergency room - got up and walked out hour later...

Ed Preston and I, with another friend had spent the afternoon riding up into the Cascade mountains outside Portland. Coming out of the mountains, I went wide on a turn that had a narrow pavement, my front tire caught the tarmac edge and I was propelled into the gravel and a field (this is the only area for many miles I would not have hit a tree or gone off a ledge/cliff!) - as I was slowing from 55mph - I thought I was going to make it - a perpendicular ditch I didn't see grabbed the bike, it stopped suddenly, then flipped, totalling wrecking the bike, I was thrown at around 40mph into the gravel and dirt - face first. The paramedics were sure I had a broken back, limbs, etc. The emergency doctors were certain I must have internal injuries, concussion, skull fractures, etc.
the ministering angels protected me from all of those things... The surgeon sewed me up, gave me some advil, and that night we went home - the next morning, I spoke at a men's event in Portland, that Sunday at the church.

Praise God for His protection! I pray for that in your family and in your life.
Great Lions Roar coming up!



peter ciganek said...

I just found out about your accident ans pray you are recovering completely and fast. It seems we got disconnected for quite a while until I found you on the internet. Mary Ellen and I are doing well and both of us are ordained with Christian Harfouce Ministries from Pensacola, FL. Mary Ellen has been awarded two doctorates and we have a Restoration Ministry as well as an orphanage in Ghana. I'll keep this brief for now but have to say that your Dad's influence on my life has been life-saving. Would love to hear back from you. Peter Ciganek 727-946-7121 our website is Blessings!!

Ron Yohe said...

I don't know if you remember me but I met you in Portland at Pastor JD's church that same week-end. You did a remarkable job - I still remember your sermon - shared some of the thoughts with my own congregation - with all credit to you. Seeing the picture showed the damage more than in person - probably because I didn't stare. That was a memorable week-end for my wife and I. It was our first Sunday there but won't be back until next Oct for the MFI conference. I continue to follow you on twitter - Ron Yohe, pastor of Faith Chapel Church, Muscatine, IA.