Saturday, August 27 was a significant day...August 27 marks the nine-year anniversary of our father's home-going. General Patton wrote to his son on D-Day these words, "If I should go don’t worry but set yourself to do better than I have." Dad said over and over again to all of those who followed his ministry, "If I can raise up men to get their ten thousands where I’ve got my thousands, I will consider my life a success."
In the same spirit my dad put into motion... we're moving quickly – FULL SPEED!
The past few months CMN leaders from many nations have traveled over 150,000 miles around the world doing the ministry to men! I’ve personally met face to face with over 6000 leaders and men from Belize to Fiji to London to Lima. Thousands of men’s lives touched, challenged, changed—resulting in women, children, churches being healed, nurtured, released into their destiny.
And now—at our Dallas offices, the CMN Communications Center is about to become a reality. We’ve prayerfully taken a massive step of faith...we've signed a long-term lease on half of an executive building and yesterday we received the keys! We need a financial miracle to help us—every $100, every $250, helps turn on lights, buy desks, get accessed to high speed internet lines, install digital media platforms and much more. Please be involved - Thank you for your generosity.
Dad left nine years ago - and now, here we are still today—making it happen. Was Ed Cole’s life a success? Yes! You and I make it a success every day with what we do. Let’s not be weary in well doing—let’s reach men for Christ and never tire of the sacrifice it takes to experience the thrill of seeing a man’s life changed, or seeing the face of a child saying, “That’s my dad!” Nothing like it in all the earth. Nothing better. Let’s keep doing it!
Please pray about joining all the guys, your brothers from across the world, in Dallas at Lions Roar... this is a pivotal year for the ministry to men, and for the world.
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Love you my friend!
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