Just finishing Ecuador tour, car ride over the Andes-3 hours from 12,600 feet to the ocean! Mountain road, cliffs, landslides, passed car that had gone over edge, wreckers trying to recover it with long cables, in ravine 1/4 mile down -
*They have published many CMN books here, tremendous quality, shipping to Spain, Venezuela, Colombia and El Salvador - Jimmy Cornejo and team are taking the word for men to their nation and others! This was a great time of strategizing, empowering men of influence to take it and run with it - it is theirs... they are used to most American ministries wanting to keep tight control...we want the word out to men - relationships...so, they are ready to run! Commissioning key men across the nation!
**Met key pastor from Salinas, he is leading men through curriculum - wanting to take his city!
*Ended up in little hippie throwback surf village on coast of Ecuador - Montecito - very funky - we are after this generation! It is in little enclaves like this that we will reach the young men who will influence the nations... Javier, Jimmy's son is 27 - has law degree, sharp young man, he is publishing the books...getting them into the secular bookstores where they are selling well - great vision to reach culture from the top down and from the bottom up...he is tremendous asset for his father and for us in the goal to reach ten million men, he's got it in his heart!
*ON way to Argentina, stopping in Dallas - house is up for sale - fully committed to the vision!
grace/peace = plc
Prayer is critical for the World Tour. Please contact Bro. Rick Lindsay at www.EncourageMenToPray.org inorder to build an intercessory prayer team. admin@EncourageMenToPray.org
This is critical! Please contact Rick and Marsha and sign up to be on the prayer team! thanks - paul
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