Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Peru - 'Synergize'

Amazing event last week in Lima with Robert Barriger - leaders from all over South America, over 7,000 attendees, many salvations and talked to hundreds of leaders about the men's movement - Eddy Leo from jakarta was also there, and now we're up the coast in Trujillo, Peru - over 100 pastors in meeting yesterday - Eddy Leo, Ed Preston (leading businessman from Portland) with Barriger - awesome... then after pastor's meeting filled large auditorium in downtown - tremendous new breakthrough for ministry! Barriger is amazing... networking men's movement all over western hemisphere... Pastor Pronesti from Buena Aires, was in Lima - as was Jimmy Cornejo from Ecuador, Pastor Sergio from Chile, Guy Henry from Honduras, and many other great leaders... it's happening!
SYNERGIZE! conference in Atlanta with Sunday Adelaja and James Davis was Jan 29-31 - tremendous favor with leaders from all over world - they want us to bring CMN and Ed Cole teaching to their nations... Alex Mitala from Uganda was there, Suliasi from Fiji - we received invitations from India, Malaysia, Philippines, and more... also - many leaders from U.S. denominations - inviting us to bring the men's movement to their regions!! That's huge breakthrough - some were places that never received Dad, but now seeing the wisdom...

so tired last night, I got back from event, put computer on my lap, still dressed from service, started to type email to my wife Judi, woke up this morning at 6:30am still sitting in that position...hands on the keyboard, head tilted forward...must have fallen asleep in 10 seconds, slept like that for 8 hours... happy about the sleep, but the sore neck is a bummer...
Hey... it's happening all over the world...I'm pumped!
more soon... stay hot!


Captain Life said...
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Captain Life said...

Hey pal. You are rocking. I have been reading your stuff and I have come to the conclusion that I would love to take a jaunt with you. Keep it up, your dad cut the path with machete, now you go use a bull dozer. Love you buddy.

Karl said...

Keep livin' life large... it's the only way... good things, bro... His grace.